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Standing Committee

ALJA has four standing committees. The committees that help the elected officers in the daily administration of the Association. Each of the Committees is headed by a chairman, vice chairman, secretary, and two other members. Members of the Standing Committees and autonomous commissions have no terms of limit for service. Listed are the Association’s current Standing Committees:

  • Membership and Outreach – Is responsible for recruitment of members and the professional development of the ALJA membership and journalists in Liberia. The Committee receives and screens all applications for membership to the Association. The Committee is authorized to create criteria for membership. However, such criteria are subject to approval by the Board of Directors.
  • Ways Means, and Finance Committee – Is responsible for the financial solvency of the Association, and shall conduct fund raising activities for the Association.
  • Communications and Media – Is charged with the responsibility of initiating activities that promote and cultivate goodwill and understanding amongst members and between the Association and the public. The Committee is responsible for organizing seminars, lectures and talks for the benefit and improvement of its members and the public. Also, the Committee is mandate d to organize educational programs for the benefit of ALJA members.
  • The Committee on Ethics and Professional Standards – Receives and investigates complaints of professional misconduct and unethical practices by members, and where necessary, recommend disciplinary measures to the Executive Committee. The Committee shall establish a code of ethics to govern the professional conduct of members. The code shall be approved by the convention.
